Benigna Consolata  Ferrero

Benigna Consolata Ferrero

The Servant of God Benign Consolata Ferrero was born in Turin on August 6, 1885, in a wealthy and very religious family. Educated according to Christian principles, she followed the course of elementary and classical studies. He attended the school of religion and met the venerable canon Luigi Boccardo (1861-1936). Under her direction, since 1898, the fifteen year old Maria Consolata Ferrero, matured the vocation to religious life, which she felt within herself. Discerning the aspirations of the young woman, Canon Boccardo directed her towards the Order of the Visitation. At twenty-two, on December 30, 1907, she entered the Visitandine of Como and full of zeal and fervor, burned the stages of initiation into cloistered life. On November 5, 1908 he received the dressing and changed its name to Benigna Consolata. On November 23, 1909 he made his religious profession and on November 28, 1912 solemn vows. During the nine years of his cloistered life, he had Bishop Alfonso Archi (1906-1925) Bishop of Como as his spiritual guide. Sister Benigna, meanwhile, reached a very high mystical state, receiving extraordinary graces, immersed in divine love and in trusting friendship with Jesus, so much so that she herself, enlightened, would define herself as "secretary of the Sacred Heart".

Books by Benigna Consolata Ferrero